Yesh~~!! finally my mum allowed mycousin ,Jo kor ocm my house stay le soo~~~!!happy yay!!!
Jo's older sis aso came to stay she so chio but hor she bath i tell u fking dam long dun bother to bath after her 1hr+ sia dunno wad she doin inside
Den monday, they ton at my house i went to sentosa with pdp then went to pdp chairman daryl wong's house with wyndee, beauford ,jenna ,gheeren,jolene
then 4+ jolene go home aiyo still wan daryl escort her sia wee~~wee~~~
then 6+ me beauford wyndee jenne gheeren went to eat then that beauford forced me to stay hehe but our agreement 8.30pm then i can go heeh i ran away at 8.20+ haha
sianed luhs then went home saw Jo kor and his sis snatching over the com haha then so sianed i ask Jo kor go room play psp with me haha his sis liek so happy finally no one snatch com from her le
K le GTG ppl calling me maple
Bb guys Love My Gans and Jo kor <3