Thursday, June 26, 2008


Wa sianed psps so long no post le
today i jus 2mins late nia need stay back liao
until actually until 4.50 the mr teh so good let me and marcus 4.30+
then today so sianed go school first thing kana detention liao
then i like usual distress myself on the pig^^

Walking down an endless road,
oswald ng.
6:34 AM

Thursday, June 12, 2008

c'mon man its only 2.44am now wad am isupposed to do
maple=no friends ,all sleepin
dota=too sianed,too many noobs
audi=rox man but whoel day of maple made my hand pain
sucks larh now i realise that it is more fun in school sianed la
Day dreaming every day sucks lor yay next tuesday dunnid go remedial
haha got pdp camp and oen per son id like to thank is the fat pig 'patricia'
no offence help me copy answer^^ ty
Bbuais gtg i go out find my fren le
Love Gans and Jo Kor

Walking down an endless road,
oswald ng.
11:43 AM

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

^^ Woots Soooo~~happy

Yesh~~!! finally my mum allowed mycousin ,Jo kor ocm my house stay le soo~~~!!happy yay!!!
Jo's older sis aso came to stay she so chio but hor she bath i tell u fking dam long dun bother to bath after her 1hr+ sia dunno wad she doin inside
Den monday, they ton at my house i went to sentosa with pdp then went to pdp chairman daryl wong's house with wyndee, beauford ,jenna ,gheeren,jolene
then 4+ jolene go home aiyo still wan daryl escort her sia wee~~wee~~~
then 6+ me beauford wyndee jenne gheeren went to eat then that beauford forced me to stay hehe but our agreement 8.30pm then i can go heeh i ran away at 8.20+ haha
sianed luhs then went home saw Jo kor and his sis snatching over the com haha then so sianed i ask Jo kor go room play psp with me haha his sis liek so happy finally no one snatch com from her le
K le GTG ppl calling me maple
Bb guys Love My Gans and Jo kor <3

Walking down an endless road,
oswald ng.
8:18 AM

Oswald Ng, 14.
Currently schooling in PHSS.
This is my blog, I write what I want.


According to alphabetical order.

Shi Min
Gao Jing
Hannah Ong
Jin Hui^^
Cheris (Gan Pigu)
Yi ying^^

February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
February 2009
April 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2011




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