Friday, August 21, 2009

lols today nth much...
went fernvale slacked with yuxiang,russel,jasper,reuben,zen,aloysus,kendrick
but some of them gtg after awhile so left me yuxiang and jasper so we slacked till 3.30 then we go le home with jasper
now at home nth do ....

Walking down an endless road,
oswald ng.
1:02 AM

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just another boring day

Today went out with godmum,she came to fetch me at 1 then went to fetch meiling
after that we went to joanne's house coffeeshop to eat
followed by a ride to changi to find sharon and kk to take their wedding photos
lols i took the formal top and tie for kk as they wanted to take a casual shot
then i was too lazy to take so i wore them over my clothes,we waited for the rain to stop
then we started taking again lols,when i walked pass a few aunties they thought i was the
how to say ar groom's son or something like.Then,after that went to fetch my god father and we
went to amk to eat and now at sianz
Well thats all for today see ya guys.....

Walking down an endless road,
oswald ng.
8:10 AM

Friday, August 14, 2009

Im Back....

today totally suck ..... had tuition till6 then went to sleep after that woke up at 8....
went to eat by myself,parents had dinner will be back by 2am ,grandmother brought my sister out
and will be back late,totally suck all by myself feeling like an empty space....
im treated like an invisible soul everyone around me left me alone...
and to ppl who thinks im a bad person:so wad if i had a black record ;im trying to change.
so wad if i commited a big mistake;everyone commits mistakes.}So wad if i change ;ill still
be left alone

Walking down an endless road,
oswald ng.
8:38 AM

Oswald Ng, 14.
Currently schooling in PHSS.
This is my blog, I write what I want.


According to alphabetical order.

Shi Min
Gao Jing
Hannah Ong
Jin Hui^^
Cheris (Gan Pigu)
Yi ying^^

February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
February 2009
April 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2011




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