Friday, February 27, 2009

So Sianz Nothing to do

Hais this morning cam back home received msg from JY then txt-ed her blahblahblah.......
called yujing talk for less than 5min then kup le
now here nothing to do sia now still txt-ing her nothing to do ma
dun get the wrong idea hor lols.....

So Sianz

Walking down an endless road,
oswald ng.
11:51 PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Sianz Sianz Sianz

Lols,today brought de spalding ball to school played wif it during reccess and after school as usual koufu!! Lazy to bring home so i ask yuxiang to bring home for me then roysten ps-ed me and jasper so me and jasper taxi-ed back,reached home slack slack slack until 5+ mum cam home then start playing comp, quarreled with her
blahblahblah then now sitting here nothing to do so com post lo

Goin back slack le byebye

Walking down an endless road,
oswald ng.
5:48 AM

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

I Know I SuCk U SuCK EvEn MoRE

Hies all! Its been a long time since i posted!
Today liek usual school le then go koufu eat with
Yuxiang,didi and yU jing kor which usually follows cnt make it
becuz of bball training then at koufu eat eat eat,saw dao jeffery
then i ask him follow me go home take ball then pump then we go play bball
wa then taxi money i pay sia com and go total about $18
then we play play play until about 6 jeffery accompanied me go wait taxi...
reached home le so sianz tio gan by mother then i lock the computer room
waited for yu jing until 9.30 then he online is like wtf wait like 2hrs+
then heng he pei me audi if not i sure dulan de lo
Kkays all i gtg le tomorow exam wan go revise be guai kia yas
trying to turn over a new leaf no more pai kia for me^^JiaYous to myself

Walking down an endless road,
oswald ng.
6:37 AM

Oswald Ng, 14.
Currently schooling in PHSS.
This is my blog, I write what I want.


According to alphabetical order.

Shi Min
Gao Jing
Hannah Ong
Jin Hui^^
Cheris (Gan Pigu)
Yi ying^^

February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
February 2009
April 2009
June 2009
August 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2011




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